04 April 2006

What the Mass Media has not told you... Yet!!

All most everything you see on TV, in the movies, newspapers, or radio is no where near the whole truth... DUH!!

This will be an on going blog about the exposure of the truth... Ready or not, what is is and all we can do is except it... The truth is not up for debate... We will be taking you to some places and see some things many people never know....
So stop back by and see what we mean... This will be the truth clean & green...

What is Hezbollah?? Well the real truth is it is an Islamic { Hate Israel } group; who has become one of if not the main thrust for Anti Israel and the United States, and most of the Western world, and most likely the rest the non Islamic world too... These people are ready to kill, or destroy, or stop, or in any other way get rid of, or eliminate anyone and everyone who does not believe their ideas...

This all started back in the 1980's; Supported by Iran; they got the reaction they wanted: The multi National Peace force In Lebanon... After blowing up both the US Marine Barracks, and the French Paratroop Base in Lebanon; which was the largest lose of military lives in a pace time action... The Multi national coalition then decided to pull out... Which gave the Hezbollah unquestionable clout and built their organization to what it is today... This is another reason that we should not just pull out of Iroq, now; as they would build on this as another victory...

This act alone gave Al quida; the desire and know how to get more Islamic Recruits; to carry out the many terrorist acts that continue to this day... This group is now a large well coordinated activity... They have been successful for almost a hundred terrorist acts all over the world... Just go back over the past thirty or so years and read about it... These all have Hezbollah finger prints all over them... Even to cooperation from the many allied Islamic groups who spread death and destruction through the known world... We can get the particulars later... Do a little homework and see what you find... [ Most of it will not be in the main line media] HUH!!

You can also follow items @ www.simplytruth.com... We have adjusted the site some and will have more good info, photos, and articles there too... Now you too can have the latest news from Iraq; go to www.mudvillegazette.com... This is a blog by people who have boots on the ground; from those who know the true story; not CNN, and those other guys... HUH!!

Will get back with more new news... Kermit