Being a Super Person
A Super person??
Who are you really? A super person? Never Happen!!Date: 8/6/2008 08:40:53
What are we / or who are you?
Super person?
« on: Today at 15:29 »
Most of us have either seen or at some point in our life been an over achiever... What makes a person resort to being an over achiever or a " Super Person" ?
First "Success" is used by the world to show that only this will bring power, pleasure and fame or fortune... ( a lie )
Then the idea that the progression of success is based on more control or i.e. more happiness ... ( another misnomer )
Finally the pressure is put on so many to achieve and thus become this super person; it prevails from the family, friends, and the society in general...
"Life is about living in the here and now, using your GOD given intelligence to learn to understand the worth of your soul!" a True-ism Aug 2008
Either you learn this truth or you chase after happiness down the endless road called success... Success does not change things in your life, it only adds to the stress and confussion... No amount of success will ever heal a person's soul...
Fact: You are first of all ; spiritual being in an earthly body as you read this message... Next your earthly body is limited in this space / time contingent, but your soul is Eternal... So why do you spend so much time worrying about a limited human form, when it is your eternal soul that is at stake? Many of us push and go on in the quest for ultimate success in this earthly life not knowing when to stop or where to get off...
You may think by achieving earthly success, you will prove yourself a super person who is perfect... There are no perfect people! This perfect person only exist in your mind's eye... If you stop and examine this you will see the guilt and shame built up because you will never measure up to this so called perfect person! Where does this leave you now?
1) first you must come to understand that this perfect person does not exist; it is an image or a part you have played over the years...
2) Next you must come to realize that this super whatever is killing you and must be eliminated... It is like a never ending voice shouting in your ear, more, more...
3) Only the realization of the real you will allow the super person within to be eliminated... This is where you must come to see the worth of your soul in the Eternity to come...
Now go for it, the choice is yours... What are you going to do? Play the part of the fool and chase after the never ending search for perfection or grow up and face the truth of the real limited you?
P.S. I know my limited self...