02 February 2015

Fructose is poison??

**   Learning about what is best for you is critical toward good health...

This one ingredient is a major contributor to almost all modern diseases.
Blue Heron Health News
There is one ingredient that’s a major contributor to almost all modern diseases. Avoiding this ONE ingredient will drastically improve, even cure type 2 diabetes, arthritis and hypertension, just to name a few health problems.

I believe it will soon be exposed publicly as the biggest contributor to cancer- even more than smoking.

And I would go so far to say it’s the single reason obesity has become so common over the last 30 years.

Even more, although it’s included on almost all dinner tables (as well as lunch and breakfast), it’s by all definitions nothing less than a poison. And whether you know it or not, you’re consuming a big quantity of this poison.

That’s why, in today’s article I’m going to expose this poison, tell you why and how to avoid it and what to use instead to improve all health issues.

You may have been aware of a battle between the sugar industry and the corn industry (making high fructose corn syrup) over which one is less healthy.

Due to this battle, many manufactures are now making processed foods and drinks using cane or beet sugar instead of HFCS.

But guess what?
Even if HFCS is probably even worse than sugar due to the chemical processing it takes to make it, both products are poison.

Both HFCS and regular sugar are pretty close to 50% glucose and 50% fructose.

Whereas glucose is actually quite healthy and can be absorbed by almost all cells in the body, fructose is poison that needs to be processed by the liver before it can be used anywhere.

And once processed by the liver, majority of the fructose is transformed directly into fat and stored all over the body.

One place fructose is stored is in the pancreas. It also acts as a block on the cell’s insulin receptors. This is one of the main causes of Type 2 Diabetes.

Fructose also elevates uric acid, which triggers inflammation all over the body. This again causes arthritis, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. This uric acid has also been linked to cause all major cancers.

As if this wasn’t enough, fructose also creates all kinds of hormone changes. One thing it does is blocks insulin release. Therefore, cells don’t absorb the energy from the blood stream and blood sugar levels spike. The only way to get rid of the sugar is by storing it as fat. Since glucose and fructose are often consumed together (in sugars) this is especially dangerous.

One strange dynamic about fructose is, unlike any other food you consume, it doesn’t tell you when you’re full. So if you consume 500 calories of glucose and other nutrition from pasta, at some point there is a feedback curve to your brain telling your appetite you had enough.

This doesn’t happen with fructose. Not only that, it may even trigger more hunger. So now you may consume 300 calories from fructose but your body doesn’t sense it as nutrition so you’re still hungry. You then consume another 300 calories from other kinds of food. Since they’re extra calories you didn’t really need, they’re transformed directly into fat.

So where are you getting your fructose from?

Any kind of sugar contains around 50% fructose. This includes HFCS, cane sugars, honey, syrup, sugars in orange juice etc. And although the fructose is packaged differently in these products, once broken down in the body, there is no difference.

And the average person is consuming a frightening amount of fructose!

Can you imagine that you’re most likely eating 1/3 or a pound sugar EVERY DAY! And half of it is fructose. This is how much the average American consumes. And this may be true for you even if you don’t ever scoop out the white powder yourself.

Sugar or HFCS is an ingredient in every type of processed food. It’s added to almost all non-diet drinks. Sometimes even the steak you buy in your local supermarket has been seasoned with sugar without labeling it.

The amount of sugar consumption for the last 30 years has multiplied. Mostly because of the increase in cheap HFCS that can be added to almost all kinds of processed food and drinks.

One of the reasons food makers are using so much sugar is because of the low-fat trend. When all fat is taken out of most cooked foods and pastries, the feeling and taste of it is very dry and unappealing. To counteract this HFCS is added in.

Whereas fat consumption has gone down from 40% to 30% of overall calories for the last 30 years, sugar consumption in various forms has gone way up. And cases of obesity and chronic diseases are soaring. Eating fat was never the problem.

There is a direct (and I mean absolutely direct) correlation between the consumption of sugars (specially HFCS) and increase in type 2 diabetes.

High blood pressure and high cholesterol cases are on a steep rise as well. Never before have as many people been medicated for these health problems as now. And cases are getting younger and younger.

The most visual consequence of the big sugar consumption is of course obesity. USA is leading the way but both Europe and Asia and even some parts of Africa are catching up fast. Being overweight has become the rule instead of the exception.

So if you accept that whatever health problem you’re fighting, fructose is a major player, what can you do about it?

The first thing is to become aware that sugar is in all processed food. Some microwave foods, for example, include more sugars than cakes and donuts. All drinks except diet drinks (that may even be worse for different reason) are also loaded with sugar.

So avoiding processed food is essential. If you want to take this issue to the max, this means cooking at home most of the time or eating out at places that specialize in healthy diets.

Replacing all sodas and other drinks (including fruit drinks) with water may get you quite far. Many of those drinks also include other chemicals so you’re killing two birds with one stone.

Don’t be afraid to use healthy fats. Fatty parts of the meat, olive oil and other healthy oils and even full fat milk is not going to hurt you. If you are including this into your cooking and therefore using less sugar, you’re doing much better.

The guides published by Blue Heron Health News are full of more, great advice on how to make small changes that result in big health benefits. In association with this article, you may want to check out:

3-step plan to completely reverse type 2 diabetes..

21-day step-by-step guide to cure arthritis…

Simple 9-minute exercise that drops blood pressure to 120/80 as soon as today…

Warm regards,

Christian Goodman

Mystery in the Shadows

 We live this life with some understanding and many mysteries... It is here that we seek to find the basics of our God given freedom! 
 Yet using our five senses appears real enough - until we come to the point of either explanation or discernment!   

  There are areas of concern and desire;  where we can enter a shady world of shadows and doubt!  This is where that we allow ourselves to come into contact with fear, doubt and can lost confidence...  This is where many enter a state of inordinateness - where they seek in vain for the truth!  How do or did we get into this mind numbing situation?

 Well for many it is plain poor planning with stupid actions or thoughts...
It is not difficult for a person to become locked in this system of doubt and confusion!  {here People go into depression}

 Which stems mainly from a persons self centeredness - which comes from looking for something that will work to our heart's desire...   Being self centered is not logical!   Therefore why even go there - as it is a very limiting and time consuming action or pursuit...    i.e.{a waste of time and talent!}

 Here is where a person needs to have a clear view of them self!  One of the key elements is to rid oneself of personal selfish desires!  Because it is the lust of seeking after self satisfaction that drives such limiting mind set!

 Life is full of warning signs and rules of conduct - to help prevent harm, death or disease...  From labels on poison to the flashing lights at rail road crossing - alerts are there to tell you danger is connected!  

  There are many rules - laws or other warnings given out by even the religious community!  Beware!  These is called legalism doctrines...

Many of which have to do with diet, so called holy days - even special dress and certain methods of conduct in the society!  Unlike the religions legal system which demands diet  -  " No food will ever bring us near to God: we are no worse if we do not eat it, and no better if we do it! "
Religious legalism is a control system...   The human nature can thrive in doing "religious duties";  somehow adhering to a religious routine which inflates the Ego and makes a person content in self- righteousness...

  But religious legalism is called a " Yoke upon your neck "by Peter in (Acts 15:10).  Because outwardly many of these "Legal " requirements seem spiritual but in actual fact these practices accomplish nothing...  We must escape or break from the bonds of Religious Legalism!

  Yet, the flesh is weak when it comes to doing the Spiritual things of God! 

  Because there is no Righteousness in humans apart from Christ Jesus! God 's universe operates upon certain eternal principles or laws...

Heb 10:1  

1 For the Law, since it has only a shadow of the good things to come and not the very form of things, can never, by the same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year, make perfect those who draw near. 
** {Which is all those who follow religious legalism}
2 Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered, because the worshipers, having once been cleansed, would no longer have had consciousness of sins?
Cross References
Romans 8:3
For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending His very own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh,

John 3:16-17 (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  
17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Colossians 2:17
These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is only found in Christ.


Following the human based religious systems upon the earth today is like following a shadow in the bright light of reality...  it is only a shadow of the things to come; the reality however is only found in Christ!

Why try to hug a shadow when the actual reality is right at hand? 

Yet, religious - legalism is popularly used attempt to  " measure " your Spiritual life or even brag about it!

 Which is worthless is the because only Christ can connect you to the Eternal Blessing of Light and Love and Peace in the Universe! 
