14 September 2018

What is the whole truth? - 1

The real or whole truth is not always what people speak!

To get a picture of the truth; it is necessary to look at it both logically and also the word formations.
Yet word choice and both structure and formation set the stage for truth!
Most people have little to no real way to evaluate the words of others,
One sure way is to notice the word formation and sentence structure.
Here are some examples of sentence structure:

 ** Once that distinction between active and passive forms has been made and understood, things are becoming much simpler! 

1) Kermit made his sister study. 

In sentence 1, the verb in the infinitive has an active meaning:  The sister has acted! She has worked!

1) With an active meaning, use 'TO MAKE someone DO': => to make someone do something=  to make + object + infinitive without to 

2) Kermit had his sister driven to school.

In sentence 2, the verb in the infinitive has passive meaning: The sister has endured the action! She was driven home.

2) With a passive meaning use TO GET/ HAVE something DONE: = Subject + get/ have + object + past participle

This makes all the difference in understanding the true meaning.

George will make us miss our train if he doesn't arrive now. « us » is the DOC (direct object complement) of 'make' and the subject of 'miss'.
 The subject of the sentence and of the main verb (make) is initiating the action, but not doing it himself/ herself.
  In the United States, and in some other countries, or regions, 'make' is often replaced by 'have' in that construction: The police had the witness tell them what he saw.

The verbs will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, and must cannot be the main (full) verbs alone. They are used as auxiliary verbs only and always need a main verb to follow.

Once you study and come to understand how the language is used  - 
 the better understanding will be.

This is where many people get lost in their lack of understanding!

Is this the plan for your life?

 If everyuthing goes as they want here is the plan:

The Democrat/Leftist agenda:

- endorses physically attacking Conservatives and Christians

- endorses Open Borders/Sanctuary Cities

- endorses allowing illegal aliens to vote.

- endorses BLM

- endorses Occupy Wall Street

- endorses MS-13

- endorses ANTIFA

- endorses outlawing Christianity

- endorses forcing their homosexual agenda on Americans.

- endorses CAIR

- endorses The Muslim Brotherhood

- endorses Sharia Law

-endorses rewriting history

-endorses destroying the constitution

- endorses Inverted virtue

- endorses Disarming you

** Do you agreee with this??

None of theses things are what God wanted from humans on this earth! 

SO ask yourself who is driving this? 
The Lord God gave each of us free choice and honers this.

The Devil {evil} wants total domination of all humans.

The choice is yours!