By Kelleigh Nelson
September 23, 2013
Diversion - The act of drawing the attention and force of an enemy from the point where the principal attack is to be made; the attack, alarm, or feint which diverts.
Conservatives are calling for tax-funded school choice via vouchers, and they know exactly what they're doing. However, they fail to tell you that, "WHAT THE GOVERNMENT FUNDS, THE GOVERNMENT CONTROLS!"
They also support charter schools which are tax funded public schools WITH NO ELECTED BOARDS. The very definition of a charter school is "an alternative education system where a school receives public funding and operates privately." This is Taxation without representation! What do you think the Revolutionary War was fought about?
Should the state legislatures accept voucher/choice proposals, ALL receiving federal, state, and local tax money, MUST conform their curriculum, etc., to FEDERAL/INTERNATIONAL standards. There won't be any elected boards to complain to about sex, drug, and death education in the schools, or the politically correct "green" nonsense.
The words of John Chubb and Terry Moe, of The Brookings Institute and Stanford University respectively, -- “Our guiding principle in the design of a choice system is this: Public authority must be put to use in creating a system that is almost entirely beyond the reach of public authority.” (Politics, Markets and America's Schools, 1990). Please read that again slowly. Get it in your heads...they want a choice system that is beyond the reach of the taxpayer and parents!
Do you fully understand the statement? Their plan was to fool the public into believing that school choice was a wonderful idea! What the public doesn't comprehend is the fact that once school choice/vouchers are passed in a state, there is no more private, religious or home school education, which does not have to follow the rotten federal education requirements.
Please understand that private schools cannot remain independent once they have accepted federal funding through vouchers/choice.
Let's look at the federal law regarding tax funding of schools. In March, 1984, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that private schools are subject to government regulations because they enroll students who receive tuition money from the government . Even though the checks are payable to individual students, not the school, the Court says any scholarships, loans, or grants to students "constitute federal financial assistance." (11) Continuing in the same direction, on January 28, 1988, the U .S. Senate (July 9, 1990).
Everyone is on the bandwagon believing they are fighting Communist Core and perhaps winning, but it is a grand illusion, and few see the truth of the matter. Common Core has truly been with us since the 70s. Yet, the new people involved in fighting Common Core State Standards can't see the forest for the trees! They can't see the diversion, they can't see that the left and the right are in bed together to totally destroy all private and religious education, and that includes homeschooling.
The tax-exempt Carnegie Corporation, (education researcher and prolific writer, Dennis Cuddy, PhD, refers to them as the, “Carnegie Department of Education”), has been involved every five years or so with multi-million dollar grants to fund: the National Assessment of Educational Progress - page 91, (the original extremely controversial Common Core); the regional government, Education Commission of the States; the United States-USSR (Soviet) Agreements, 1985, which merged the two education systems; adoption of the Pavlovian/Skinnerian method (Outcomes Based Education) necessary for workforce training, and more recently, Marc Tucker's "National Alliance for Restructuring Education," etc. [Link] See Marc Tucker's letter to Hillary Clinton.
Where are these new people when it comes to the threat of School Choice (charter schools, vouchers, opportunity scholarships, et. al.) which are the mechanisms to destroy the constitutional concept of elected representation itself?
They won't even mention it. They tell me it's way over peoples' heads, it's too much to throw at them when we need to fight common core, or we'll handle it later. Duped and fooled. Stupid is as stupid does.
"I want to warn all the wonderful people fighting Communist Core that should they win this battle, their victory may be hollow, since these evil people always have not just one, but many substitute options up their sleeves to offer us, clearly disguised as something they know we will accept. They know that CC is exactly what they have been doing to our children since the seventies at least. The only difference is, they have decided to be open about it now. They have the technology to implement both the curriculum, assessment, and the ability to share data worldwide, to health care agencies, juvenile programs, corporations, etc. All the components have finally merged for the institutionalization of lifelong learning, under the umbrella of theunelected school board. This is most dangerous! The focus on Marxist curriculum, its standards, outcomes, goals, objectives, behaviors, dispositions, psychological Marxist assessment, etc., all have been with us for many years.
Do you get it? The goal of this rotten government control of all education is about eliminating any and all private, religious, or homeschooled education. With one cent of tax money going to a private, religious, or home schooled child, comes all the regulations and control of the federal government!