Principles & rules...
"Rules are not necessarily sacred; principles are."- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Dear friend as we travel on this pathway of life; there are many rules and regulations that are placed before us... Most of these rules are made by people who want to control you as well as others beneath their class order... We need to determine which are important and let the rest go...
I have attempted to live by my core principles in life and learn to care and share...
Here are some good words from Dr. Symeon Roger:
There are only two types of people on this planet:The majority, who lives by expediency, taking the pathof least resistance at every turn in their personallives.And then there's the minority that lives by theirprinciples - no matter what the cost.That minority - and ONLY they - know what it's like to feel powerful, in control and have true self-respect.Because they respect themselves, they like themselves. And because of that, they like and respect others. And because of that, others like and respect them back.
So what does it mean to live by your principles? It means that if you decide you will always tell thetruth, you do so, no matter what the personal in-convenience.If you decide to eliminate white sugar from your diet, for example, then you make NO exceptions, not even to "please" someone else.If you decide that criticizing others in beneath you, then you NEVER indulge in it for any reason.In every case, adhering to noble principles will set you above every worldly distress and circumstance. You'll feel immune to things that used to change your mood and ruin your day. It's as if misfortunecan't touch you.
You'll quickly find you have developed a strong self-image without even trying. Your "Personal Power" will grow - you'll find the strength to do everything in an excellent fashion. Your results in EVERY area of your life will improve.AND... you'll become magnetically attractive to others.
Now, the only question, is this: "What noble principles mean more to you than life itself?
"New life is within your grasp - seize it!
Most of this is from: Dr. Symeon Rodgerand the Warrior Coaching TeamRock Solid Life Systems 2251 Courtice Ave. Ottawa, ONK1H-7G5CA