The tyranny of the minority .
Tyranny of
the minority
14 December 2014
** "the root of "all the commandments" is, when a man loves God with all his soul, and cleaves unto him. **
14 December 2014
The tyranny of the minority .
Is just the opposite of a democracy. {rule by the majority!}
The courts should always be aware that the majority have rights in a country, but it is no less i
mportant then the rights of the minority.
If rulings cannot be made that accommodate both sides in such cases {meaning that some allowance be made to help or satisfy both}, but not always favoring a minority view; because then the country will be in grave danger of fragmenting into small groups each attempting to gain power through the court system rather then through the elected officials.
One can only wonder after the Supreme Court decided such as the Presidential election of 2000, where will it lead the country? Not in the best direction!
This is not a good trend for a democratic represented - republic based government.
Then the ACLU and the Citizens United for the Separation of Church and State are on a quest to remove any mention of God from our public society.
Exactly why?
It is because they do not believe in any one or thing higher or over them... They are self centered and greedy controllers! Which leaves no one else any room or reason to exist - unless you comply with all their rules and regulations...
{Did you notice there is no freedom except what they alone allow?}
After the 9-11 terrorist attack in New York City, people around the country started posting signs which read,
"God Bless America." Because they felt a need for God in their otherwise barren lives...
It was an almost an universal appeal to reunite with the Holy God of the Universe!
The ACLU has taken a school in California, to court for posting such a sign.
{ Such is the shame and down fall there of the United States...}
My question is " exactly what or why does anyone seeing, hearing or reciting - "God Bless America." make any real eternal personal difference to people who do not believe it??
It is kind of like saying you believe in Santa - while he does not exist and I know that but it does not really bother me...
What does it cause people to do?
*** Would it: curtail their lively hood?
or cause them pain?
or bring embarrassment?
or do damage to their person?
or any other nondescript causes?
NO! saying "God Bless America" does not create any real damage! No; Because uttering a pray type phrase will not destroy you!
If any thing it could and should help you bring closure in your soul!
But "God Bless America." is about what is right and true in the life of America!
Yet many attack this simple direct statement =
"God Bless America." With a vengeance as if it would destroy not only the nation but the people!
Which is a lie and falsehood!
We do not need to protect or give reason for Almighty God the Creator of the Universe...
God does not need or use our so called { limited } protection!
It is we - who require His Blessing and guidance!!
Many of the world's {many anti-Christian} people live under the Darkness of Evil which controls much of the leadership. Only truth can and will prevail in the face of such destructive force. This is where the concerned and truth seeking people of the world need to turn to The Lord Jesus - the Savior of the world and the source of Truth!
Now we know that many people, do not know God and therefore seem to drift toward an Anti -God relationship! It is here that so many find themselves under the bondage and power of Satan and his evil system...
Since there are (2) two Spiritual systems at work in the universe at the present time:
** The first is the only original God inspired system based upon Grace and Truth!
1) Freedom - God; who set this into existence before the Earth was created; gave each of us this option built into our Heart and Soul ... Are you aware of this power of choice in your life?
** This is an offer that you can not refuse unless you do not love The Lord God and Your neighbors...
i.e. Unless you are so self centered - that you do not love anyone but yourself!
Then there is a counterfeit system - from Satan!
2) Slavery - Satan; who dominates and only wants to control and enslave everyone to his personal glory!
** The only real will of Evil is to limit and confuse everyone into his kingdom...
i.e. This is a false - counterfeit system - built to replace God through deceit and domination!
Actually each of us has been hard wired to seek the Lord God in our life!
This the main primitive design of mankind; which separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom!
Humans are Spirit, Soul and Body...
The (body) is obvious {what you see of any person};
then the (soul) central control with mind & emotional elements; noun \ˈsōl\ : the spiritual part of a person that is believed to give life to the body and in many religions is believed to live forever;
a person's deeply felt moral and emotional nature;
the ability of a person to feel kindness and sympathy for others, to appreciate beauty and art, etc.
(spirit) The power of God given unto every created being allowing them to live independently..
Together this is you as a person - In real life it is a person's state of being or existence!
While humans can think - act and preform independently - they are unable to add even one second to their existence or progress beyond their present state in the space - time continuum {under their own power} ...
This is where Faith comes into you life - Faith in the Lord God who first loved you!
While many have and will attempt to get you to divorce yourself from the Eternal connection through Faith in the Lord God alone!
Of all the various forms of human government none are best a temporary vain attempt to mimic the will and way of the Lord God in Earthly life!
Even a so called Democracy or Representative Republic will never represent the true principles of Almighty God in the affairs of mankind! Which is mainly the ability to live in harmony and love...
Because of the temptation of sin based upon Greed and Self centered-ness {which puts any human person before God and other fellow humans}...
If we could ever come to seek God through personal Faith in the hope of a Blessed eternity then you would know - where you will spend Eternity!
Matthew 22:38
The Greatest Commandment
38 "This is the great and foremost commandment.
39 "The second is like it, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.'…
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
22:34-40 An interpreter of the law asked our Lord a question, to try, not so much his knowledge, as his judgment.
The love of God is the first and great commandment, and the sum of all the commands of the first table. Our love of God must be sincere, not in word and tongue only.
All our love is too little to bestow upon him, therefore all the powers of the soul must be engaged for him, and carried out toward him.
To love our neighbor as ourselves, is the second great commandment. There is a self-love which is corrupt, and the root of the greatest sins, and it must be put off and mortified; but there is a self-love which is the rule of the greatest duty: we must have a due concern for the welfare of our own souls and bodies. And we must love our neighbor as truly and sincerely as we love ourselves; in many cases we must deny ourselves for the good of others.
By these two commandments let our hearts be formed as by a mold.
"the root of "all the commandments" is, when a man loves God with all his soul, and cleaves unto him.
The whole idea is to get your eyes off your self and most all the stuff in the sighted world!
Because the vast unseen Spirit Existence is beyond comprehension or total understanding by humans!
It is through Total Faith in the Lord Jesus and the Kingdom of God alone that will get you into the Blessed Eternal Home where you were created to exist for Eternity!
Is just the opposite of a democracy. {rule by the majority!}
The courts should always be aware that the majority have rights in a country, but it is no less i
mportant then the rights of the minority.
If rulings cannot be made that accommodate both sides in such cases {meaning that some allowance be made to help or satisfy both}, but not always favoring a minority view; because then the country will be in grave danger of fragmenting into small groups each attempting to gain power through the court system rather then through the elected officials.
One can only wonder after the Supreme Court decided such as the Presidential election of 2000, where will it lead the country? Not in the best direction!
This is not a good trend for a democratic represented - republic based government.
Then the ACLU and the Citizens United for the Separation of Church and State are on a quest to remove any mention of God from our public society.
Exactly why?
It is because they do not believe in any one or thing higher or over them... They are self centered and greedy controllers! Which leaves no one else any room or reason to exist - unless you comply with all their rules and regulations...
{Did you notice there is no freedom except what they alone allow?}
After the 9-11 terrorist attack in New York City, people around the country started posting signs which read,
"God Bless America." Because they felt a need for God in their otherwise barren lives...
It was an almost an universal appeal to reunite with the Holy God of the Universe!
The ACLU has taken a school in California, to court for posting such a sign.
{ Such is the shame and down fall there of the United States...}
My question is " exactly what or why does anyone seeing, hearing or reciting - "God Bless America." make any real eternal personal difference to people who do not believe it??
It is kind of like saying you believe in Santa - while he does not exist and I know that but it does not really bother me...
What does it cause people to do?
*** Would it: curtail their lively hood?
or cause them pain?
or bring embarrassment?
or do damage to their person?
or any other nondescript causes?
NO! saying "God Bless America" does not create any real damage! No; Because uttering a pray type phrase will not destroy you!
If any thing it could and should help you bring closure in your soul!
But "God Bless America." is about what is right and true in the life of America!
Yet many attack this simple direct statement =
"God Bless America." With a vengeance as if it would destroy not only the nation but the people!
Which is a lie and falsehood!
We do not need to protect or give reason for Almighty God the Creator of the Universe...
God does not need or use our so called { limited } protection!
It is we - who require His Blessing and guidance!!
Many of the world's {many anti-Christian} people live under the Darkness of Evil which controls much of the leadership. Only truth can and will prevail in the face of such destructive force. This is where the concerned and truth seeking people of the world need to turn to The Lord Jesus - the Savior of the world and the source of Truth!
Now we know that many people, do not know God and therefore seem to drift toward an Anti -God relationship! It is here that so many find themselves under the bondage and power of Satan and his evil system...
Since there are (2) two Spiritual systems at work in the universe at the present time:
** The first is the only original God inspired system based upon Grace and Truth!
1) Freedom - God; who set this into existence before the Earth was created; gave each of us this option built into our Heart and Soul ... Are you aware of this power of choice in your life?
** This is an offer that you can not refuse unless you do not love The Lord God and Your neighbors...
i.e. Unless you are so self centered - that you do not love anyone but yourself!
Then there is a counterfeit system - from Satan!
2) Slavery - Satan; who dominates and only wants to control and enslave everyone to his personal glory!
** The only real will of Evil is to limit and confuse everyone into his kingdom...
i.e. This is a false - counterfeit system - built to replace God through deceit and domination!
Actually each of us has been hard wired to seek the Lord God in our life!
This the main primitive design of mankind; which separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom!
Humans are Spirit, Soul and Body...
The (body) is obvious {what you see of any person};
then the (soul) central control with mind & emotional elements; noun \ˈsōl\ : the spiritual part of a person that is believed to give life to the body and in many religions is believed to live forever;
a person's deeply felt moral and emotional nature;
the ability of a person to feel kindness and sympathy for others, to appreciate beauty and art, etc.
(spirit) The power of God given unto every created being allowing them to live independently..
Together this is you as a person - In real life it is a person's state of being or existence!
While humans can think - act and preform independently - they are unable to add even one second to their existence or progress beyond their present state in the space - time continuum {under their own power} ...
This is where Faith comes into you life - Faith in the Lord God who first loved you!
While many have and will attempt to get you to divorce yourself from the Eternal connection through Faith in the Lord God alone!
Of all the various forms of human government none are best a temporary vain attempt to mimic the will and way of the Lord God in Earthly life!
Even a so called Democracy or Representative Republic will never represent the true principles of Almighty God in the affairs of mankind! Which is mainly the ability to live in harmony and love...
Because of the temptation of sin based upon Greed and Self centered-ness {which puts any human person before God and other fellow humans}...
If we could ever come to seek God through personal Faith in the hope of a Blessed eternity then you would know - where you will spend Eternity!
Matthew 22:38
The Greatest Commandment
38 "This is the great and foremost commandment.
39 "The second is like it, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.'…
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
22:34-40 An interpreter of the law asked our Lord a question, to try, not so much his knowledge, as his judgment.
The love of God is the first and great commandment, and the sum of all the commands of the first table. Our love of God must be sincere, not in word and tongue only.
All our love is too little to bestow upon him, therefore all the powers of the soul must be engaged for him, and carried out toward him.
To love our neighbor as ourselves, is the second great commandment. There is a self-love which is corrupt, and the root of the greatest sins, and it must be put off and mortified; but there is a self-love which is the rule of the greatest duty: we must have a due concern for the welfare of our own souls and bodies. And we must love our neighbor as truly and sincerely as we love ourselves; in many cases we must deny ourselves for the good of others.
By these two commandments let our hearts be formed as by a mold.
"the root of "all the commandments" is, when a man loves God with all his soul, and cleaves unto him.
The whole idea is to get your eyes off your self and most all the stuff in the sighted world!
Because the vast unseen Spirit Existence is beyond comprehension or total understanding by humans!
It is through Total Faith in the Lord Jesus and the Kingdom of God alone that will get you into the Blessed Eternal Home where you were created to exist for Eternity!